Suitcase Release
We are so overwhelmed with all the support we have gotten for our release of Suitcase! We would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to watch, share, like the video and pre-ordered 21 Nights! This whole project would not have been possible without the help of some very special people.
Firstly Paul Pilsneniks for producing, recording and mixing the album. Paul did an unbelievable job on the songs! Maria Statton & Mat Akehurst for playing the EP. Matthew Grey for Mastering.
The Filmery! The video speaks for itself and you guys did an incredible job! Thank you so much, Josh & Brock! Lee Hanly for her amazing job with hair & makeup! Ashley Laker & Rocío Barberán the amazingly talented actors in the video!
Tom Inglis for all his hard work, support and guidance! Can't thank you enough mate!
The radio stations around Australia who are spinning Suitcase already! Appreciate the support!
Our Aunty Kaylene and Uncle Keith for letting us steal their car for a night and supporting us. All our family & friends who have supported us through this journey!
Lastly our Mum & Dad! There wouldn't be an Alex & Bec Crook without you two! Words cannot describe how blessed we are to have you two guiding us our whole lives! Your love and support means the world to us and we can't thank you enough!
Thank you so much, everyone! Lots of love!
ABC xo